Studies have shown that a combination of cosmetic treatments provides enhanced results with greater patient satisfaction than just individual treatments.  At Gidon Aesthetics and MediSpa, we understand skin and the unique benefits of each of our treatments. During your consultation, we analyze your skin, ask about your lifestyle and skin concerns, and create an individualized treatment plan to help you achieve your goals. As an example, we often combine facial fillers from our Toronto-based practice with neuromodulator injections to achieve a natural, youthful-looking appearance. Facials may be complemented by chemical peels, laser treatments, microneedling and mesoinfusion for enhanced rejuvenation. Radio frequency skin tightening can be combined with fractional laser treatments to firm and lift as well as improve texture and sun damage.

There are several reasons to choose combination procedures.

  • Saves Time

Having more than one treatment done in a single session can save time in your busy schedule, especially if any downtime is involved.

  • Quickly Achieve Your Goals

By combining several different procedures chosen specifically for your needs, you will see enhanced results more quickly.

  • Fight Different Signs of Aging

Multiple concerns can be addressed in one session. Facial redness, brown spots and rough skin texture can be improved within a matter of days.  Neuromodulator injections relax the overactive muscles that cause dynamic wrinkles, while facial fillers replace lost volume.

  • Longer Lasting Results

Combination treatments can have a synergistic effect and can extend the benefits of your treatments.

If you’re interested in learning more about combination treatments, contact Toronto-based Gidon Aesthetics & MediSpa. We can determine the ideal combination of injectables and other skin rejuvenation procedures to create a customized treatment plan. Call us at 416-483-4541 or submit a contact form to schedule a consultation.