Our skin naturally loses some elasticity due to aging and sun damage. Radiofrequency skin tightening, which our Toronto area Gidon Aesthetics & MediSpa practice offers, is thought to be one of the best ways of improving saggy and wrinkled skin. But how exactly does this aesthetic treatment work? Here’s a basic explanation of the science behind radiofrequency for cosmetic applications.

Radiofrequency (RF) energy is a form of electromagnetic radiation. It consists of waves of combined electric and magnetic energy radiation. Microwaves, radio waves, broadcast antennas, and radars emit this kind of energy and it’s often used in telecommunications. Forms of radiofrequency have been used in the medical field for therapeutic purposes since the 1930s and are still being used today for electrosurgery and radiofrequency ablation.

It has also become a useful tool for the beauty world because it can heat the skin from the inside out and reach its deepest layers with low frequency to refine contours, such as those of the cheeks, neck, and jawline for a more sculpted appearance. This will be a highly beneficial, non-surgical alternative for a patient whose primary concerns are skin laxity and sagging. The energy given off from the machine produces heat that helps to lift and tighten skin. Radiofrequency skin tightening can be performed any time of year since it is not affected by sun exposure.

It stimulates the production of the patient’s own collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid and speeds up skin cell turnover without harming the skin’s outer layer. This method is non-invasive and completely safe. It’s a quick, lunchtime procedure that won’t leave behind scars or discoloration, and requires no downtime.

As a result, the skin instantly becomes firmer and tighter. Wrinkles on the face such as smile lines are softened and continue to improve gradually during the following months. Another advantage of radiofrequency is its ability to tighten loose stretch marks and minimize cellulite on other areas of the body. This is effective for tightening of the abs, thighs, and upper arms. Usually only one treatment is necessary and can be repeated in six to 24 months.

Interested in firmer, more youthful skin? We’re here to guide you through it. Talk to the team at Gidon Aesthetics & MediSpa for more advice on skin tightening with radiofrequency treatments in the Toronto area. To find out more, call us at 416-483-4541 or submit your info to request a consultation.