Laser skin resurfacing from our Toronto practice can be a highly effective way to reduce facial wrinkles, scars, and blemishes. After your skin has been treated with laser procedures, it can react in different ways. It may feel like a sunburn, depending on the type of laser treatment you have. Laser and light treatments are some of the most common aesthetic procedures patients have during spring. These treatments can help improve dull, discolored skin or dark spots before summer comes around. Common side effects depend on the intensity of the procedure and may include mild redness, swelling and itching that can persist for at least a week following the laser treatment. The redness tends to persist for a longer time in blondes and redheads. Several days after treatment, the skin will become dry and start to peel. The following tips can help you protect your skin and maximize the results you can expect from laser skin resurfacing.

  • Keep Treated Areas Clean

You will need to keep the treated areas as clean as possible. Depending on which type of laser was used, we may recommend compressing the areas several times a day with a diluted vinegar solution. For milder laser treatments, a gentle cleanser would be appropriate.

  • Use Recommended Products

We will also recommend certain protective skin products to help your skin heal. For example, after fractional ablative skin resurfacing, we recommend using a healing ointment. After a mild, nonablative laser treatment, a hydrating moisturizer is used.

  • Reduce Swelling and Discomfort

Using an ice pack or cold compress for the first few days can provide relief from swelling and any discomfort. You can also elevate your head with an extra pillow at night to minimize the swelling. Pain medication is typically not necessary.

  • Try Makeup to Camouflage Redness

After the treated skin has healed, makeup can be used to camouflage any redness. Use mineral-based foundation and makeup that does not contain harsh chemicals, fragrances, or artificial dyes. A green-based primer helps to neutralize the redness.

  • Apply Sunscreen

After your skin has healed, the application of sunscreen will be critical. Use it everyday, even on cloudy or colder days. It’s best to choose a sunscreen that is designed for sensitive, rejuvenated skin. A tinted mineral based sunscreen that contains zinc oxide, titanium dioxide and iron oxide is most effective for skin protection. We can help you choose the appropriate sunscreen to use on areas that have been laser-treated.

Interested in more advice on caring for your skin after laser skin resurfacing? Contact our Toronto-based Gidon Aesthetics & MediSpa team for more information about energy-based treatments. Call us at 416-483-4541 or submit a contact form to request a consultation.